Where do these numbers come from?

This page shows your ADDAs by type as reported on the Dart Connect Player Leaderboard. You can find the links for Monday and Coed league leaderboards in the nav. Click on the column names to sort by name, team, or ADDAs.

If they're on the Leaderboard, why are they here too?

To get your total number of ADDAs from the leaderboard, you would have to add up several columns from a few views, multiplying some of the numbers by two or three along the way. This page does the work for you and lets you see your season ADDAs in comparison with other players.

How can I use the Leaderboard to see my '01 ADDAs?

To find your '01 ADDAs on the Dart Connect leaderboard, choose "All '01" from the "Game Type" drop down and switch to tab 6 of 8 in the Red column. Then add up the columns according to this formula: (95 + T14 + 2*(T33 + T52) + 3*T171).

How can I see my Cricket ADDAs on the Dart Connect Leaderboard

To find your cricket ADDAs on the Dart Connect leaderboad, choose "All Cricket" from the "Game Type" drop down. You'll need to find your 5M+'s on the Red tab 5 of 6 and your 3B+'s on the Red tab 3 of 6. Add up the columns according to this formula: (5M + 6M + 2*(7M + 8M) + 3*9M) + (3B + 4B + 5B + 2*6B).

Shouldn't 6B be worth 3 ADDAs?

Nice catch! Yes, 6B is worth 3 ADDAs. If you shoot 6B, DartConnect also credits you with a 6M, which is worth one ADDA, so we count the 6B column as 2 ADDAs to avoid double counting.

Shanghai ADDAs

We cannot track Shanghai ADDAs using Dart Connect. At the January 2025 Coed team meeting, it was decided that we would no longer count Shanghai ADDAs for the purpose of individual player stats.

What about my other player stats?

Your other stats are available on the Dart Connect Player Leaderboard in one column, so you can already sort players by these stats by division and league. The table below shows where you can find each of them.Important note! If the post season has started, be sure to change the "Season" filter from "Full Season" to "Regular Season" to get the correct values.

  • 501 Average - Choose "Singles 501" from the "Game Type" dropdown and your 501 average is the highlighted first column after your name.
  • Cricket MPR - Choose "Singles Cricket" from the "Game Type" dropdown and your MPR is the highlighted first column after your name.
  • Player points - It doesn't matter what "Game Type" is selected, your player points is the SWon column on Orange tab 4 of 5.
  • High In - Choose "All '01" from the "Game Type" dropdown and your High In is the HDIT column on Red tab 5 of 8.
  • High Out - Choose "All '01" from the "Game Type" dropdown and your High Out is the HDO column on Red tab 5 of 8.

I need help navigating the Dart Connect Leaderboard!

You can find help with basic navigation for the Leaderboard here.